Holding the key responsible position of the Managing Trustee of Synergy India Foundation, he is synonymous with integrity, honesty and hard work. He had held steadfast to his principles and values that he nurtured all through his life. He always cherished to take challenges, converted them into opportunities with his pragmatic and positive outlook and he is continuously working towards promotion of good Health, Education, Road Safety, Environment and Livelihood for a safer society through various initiatives.
Sri. N. Sanjeeva Rao
Sanjeev Rao is a Trustee on board all set to support and move the activities forward. He is passionate about his work and enjoys working with people. Having seen the very different kinds and types of people he developed empathy with the under privileged and is inclined to volunteer for any kind of social cause to which he is readily willing to contribute to make a difference
Srikrishna is a young and energetic personality holding graduation in Law and completed MBA and now pursuing the Company Secretary course. His professional experience in legal and financial services, interest in rendering volunteer service, Mr.Srikrishna accepted the position of a trustee gracefully and he assures the organization of his support, cooperation and contribution in the most accountable and transparent manner
Janardhanlal is an educationalist worked as Principal for 13 years and presently running his own college at Nandyala. He is an active and enthusiastic personality carrying along with him a rich experience in the field of Education. Given his personal interest and professional qualification, Mr. Janardhana is willingly come forward to volunteer for a responsible position on the board.
Ramchander is a Law Graduate did his B.A., LL.B., and entered in to Govt. Service in 1961. He got enrolled as Advocate in Bar Council of India in the year 2009 and worked as Jr. Civil Judge in different year in various Districts of Andhra Pradesh. He retired as Judicial 1st Class Magistrate in the year 2004. Being a trustee with Synergy India Foundation he contributed very much to grow SIF and given his experience and personal interest with strong zeal to work for the poor and needy.
Synergy India Foundation’s governance policy revolves around ethical practices and the principles of transparency, accountability and inclusivity. It has enabled us to perform effectively and efficiently contributing to the well being of our stakeholders.
As an organization, we believe that adopting best governance practices will get us a long way, broadening our horizons toward a better society. It helps us fulfilling the objectives of our organization by utilizing the resources efficiently and ethically and meeting the expectations of the community.
Trusteeship reflects in our culture of governance. We monitor progress and are answerable for the outcomes of our initiatives.
Four basic principles drive the core governance philosophy of SIF:
In a nutshell, SIF’s governance policy is driven by its commitment to mission, vision and the welfare of the beneficiaries.
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Synergy India Foundation (SIF) is an NGO in India headquartered in Hyderabad. Our organisation strives to change the lives of poor and underserved through community participation and promote a safer society by synergising different stakeholders to attain a larger impact on the community.
DSS Bhavan, TSWREIS 4TH floor, opp. Chacha Nehru Park Road, Masab Tank, Hyderabad, Telangana 500028
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